
Sonia Motwani

Penning Change



Terrorism | Poem


stop-terrorism (2)



                                                                 And at that time of year

when you got struck with amnesia

when the human in you

left you with just the corpse

and all that you breathed was

chaos and violence and riots,

the anger in your veins

let you forget your own genesis

that you are inherited from the womb of love,

your bones puffed with the fibers of

hatred, agitation, cruelty

let you easily destroy your own human race,

the cries, the screams, the yells

of innocents may have rendered you

the tag of being ‘powerful’ but

you forgot that the real power lies

in love, in mercy, in generosity

that the blood of people will never

quench your thrust of inhumanity

nor will calm the fire that burns you whole

and then one day

even your flesh will be ashamed of covering

the layers of terror and pumping the blood of inhumanity.

                                                                                                  – Sonia Motwani


She – An Eloquent Poetry


To some,

She was

A composure of

Delicacy, elegance

The body of

Flesh, blood, bones


To some,

She was

A portrait of

Artistry beauty,

The canvas of

Sprinkled colours, cast


To few,

She was

An angelic soul

Pious, divine

The magical wings

Celestially designed


But to herself,

She was

A rhyming poem

The soaring wings

Of words and verse

– Sonia Motwani






And this is how poetry is conceived.


Let your demons rest in your poems.

Poetry – My Reincarnation





As I write

It makes me feel

As if

The words conspire

To reincarnate me.


The spilled ink


Fresh, new blood

In veins within  me


The rhyme of

Each line

Vibrates the

Nerve within me


Poetry solely

Makes me feel

As the

New soul

Reincarnated in me.

-Sonia Motwani


Miraculous|| Poetry

And life suddenly seemed as if a miracle,
A journey to live at its fullest,
A ride to be enjoyed as if the last,
A melody that pulled every string of my heart,
A rhythm on which my feets just banged on,
A fest to be celebrated in its every moment,
A dream, much more than reality to be relived,
A story holding me close adding spices in me,
A beautifully carved poetry pouring in me sublime rhymes,
Oh dear life,
I have fallen for you since the day he became my life.
– Sonia Motwani



As those drops of the infinite power,
 in the soul of an infant.
As those fierce explosion of gases,
in the ablazed twinkle of stars.
As those heavenly combination of five elements,
in the formation of human body.
As those aesthetic beauties of nature,
in the blooming lap of earth.
As those infinite series of rhymes and rhythm,
in the divinity of the poetry.
As the presence of an unseen magic,
in the magnetic signal binding the universe.
As the vibrating power of dreams,
in the mountains of sheer reality.
Yes, in the same way
        in the very same manner
You, with every piece of your soul
        that failed to fathom,
       exists in the core of my
– Sonia Motwani

New Beginning


Changing the dates or shuffling the pages of calendar,
New beginning isn’t always letting your past to surrender.
It’s not about packing the baggage of difficulties,
And entering in the refreshed world of possibilities.
Sometimes , new beginning comes suddenly in the midway,
When you decide to make yourself happy and gay.
When you let yourself dive deep inside,
Facing your demon instead of leaving them aside.
The moment you start to resolute your mind,
And be with yourself a little more generous and kind.
The point when you realise the power of self love,
And to the miraculous human within you wish to bow.
When you realise the immense desire to fulfill your dreams,
That to fly, now you don’t even need wings.
When you come out of the cocoon of self distress,
And converse with your soul , the raw and undress.
When your hope and faith set back for a new inning,
That very moment, though in mid-over ,your life starts a new beginning.
– Sonia Motwani

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